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Starting a Day with New Business Vision - Ilak Solutions

Starting a Day with New Business Vision

April 1, 2024 abed 0 Comments

We all have ideas about the possibilities that life offers beyond the monotony of our jobs, and how we can usher in a new era in a way that gives us more flexibility in managing different aspects of our lives. This is a question that I have always asked my friends, and that they have asked me in turn. 
This has allowed me to gain some experience in motivation and to understand the nature of operations related to business sectors and strategic planning and key factors of success, but, hey, this time I am crafting the opinion outside of my office walls.

Today, I would like to share the answer to this question, based on my experience of taking my first steps outside the office where I have spent most of the past 25 years in supervisory roles. 

So, how can you start a new day with a fresh vision for a new job that goes beyond the confines of your current work situation? Here is a roadmap:

To succeed with an innovative entrepreneurial idea, you need to ask yourself why you want to leave your comfort zone and take on the risk of starting something new. What is the driving force behind your new business idea? Clearly identifying this will give you the boost of motivation and focus you need.

It is also important to identify what sparks your passion. This means thinking about the things you love to do and becoming skilled at them while being realistic. Your passion will not only maintain your motivation but will also enhance your ability to innovate and distinguish your work from others.

Which means that your goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, and consistent with each other. They should also have a time frame so that you can track your progress and achieve major milestones.

No matter how simple your ideas may be, putting them all in one basket can be frustrating and discouraging when you start to put the building blocks for implementation in place. You may quickly discover that some ideas contradict each other or are difficult to implement for financial, technical, or logistical reasons. Therefore, it is important to write down your ideas briefly and then redistribute them. This means giving priority to the most important ideas while leaving the least important for later. Writing down divided ideas can facilitate the linking mechanism between different parts and reduce fears associated with change. It can also strengthen your motivation and determination to start and complete your project.

Moving from a comfortable zone with few risks to the other side of challenges is primarily an individual decision, contributing to feelings of isolation and fears of the winds that can blow from elsewhere. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with supportive friends who can offer guidance, advice, and encouragement when you need it most. And when your decision is implemented, associate yourself with people who agree with your entrepreneurial intentions and your desire to take calculated risks, and stay away from those who do not share your way of thinking, as they can be a deterrent to progress and cause feelings of regret at a time when regret does not help. Rather, you need to continue with the same momentum towards your goals and overcome any obstacles.

Be optimistic, and make sure to reward yourself once you have achieved your previously shared goals. Celebrate by doing something outside of work that involves spending and enjoying. Celebrating your successes will keep you motivated and remind you why you do what you do.

Innovation is a critical component of success and a motivational tool that allows you to be satisfied with your way of managing planned or emergency challenges that you will face. The following are suggestions to improve your ability to innovate: 1. Enhance your network of acquaintances in your field of work and try to build relationships based on cooperation rather than competition with peers. 2. Read or watch through available channels anything related to successful entrepreneurs, their biographies, including anecdotes that account for their successes, as well as any innovative insights or strategies attributed to them. 3. Consider communication mechanisms based on value creation rather than value exchange, which can contribute to free opinions and ideas.

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